Another day started at NITIE with Principles of Organization and Management and this time we started our discussion with 3-D printing. We discussed the costs involved in the same, it's future and potential. Dr. Prasad also told us that few of our seniors were venturing into this field and asked if anybody wanted to volunteer. So, as expected, our class began on unexpected terms. One of the good things about Principles of Organization and Management is that one has to just go with an open mind. The amount of knowledge he garners then would be tremendous.
Just as we were discussing 3-D printing, Dr. Prasad brought forth a cube made of straws. It had 2-coloured straws with the red ones being of the same length and the same pattern followed for the yellow ones. All were asked to identify the uniqueness of this cube. The answer that came out was it could be used to teach (a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 .
Thus we learnt that we have knowledge surrounded in every simple thing around us or rather we could make knowledge disbursing much simpler than what it is now. All it requires is a little effort.
Next we moved on to the concept of SMART Goals. Here we made aware of the following parameters to be considered before goal setting :
1) Goal Set
2) Goal Achieved
3) Goal ( Historical )
4) Potential
Here we understood that Goal Set > Potential > Goal Achieved > Goal ( Historical ).
Here SMART is an abbreviation which can have many meanings. I would be listing a few to get an idea.
S - Specific, Simple, Sensible
M - Measurable, Motivating
A - Achievable, Ambitious
R - Rational, Realistic
T - Time Bound, Tangible
This lead us to another theory, the Pygmalion Effect. The theory is named after a play by George Bernard Shaw named Pygmalion. It is also called as the Rosenthal Effect. It is the phenomenon in which greater the expectation placed upon people, the better they perform. So, in continuation with the tower building exercise, new volunteers were chosen who dared to dream big. They set a target of 50 blocks after discussing among themselves. They raised their bar, their expectations. And voila ! They achieved more than the previous history of 27 blocks. This taught us an important lesson. Aim high to achieve high.
Below is the picture of the record-breaking tower.
Be hungry for more knowledge. Till then, happy learning and happy blogging !