Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Start of Life@NITIE with Dr. Mandi

                     Ever since I set my mind on doing an MBA, NITIE was one of the few institutes I dreamt of getting into. Operations being my favourite subject during engineering, it was a no-brainer when NITIE handed me my coveted convert. And with all the excitement that I could muster, I set foot in God's Own Campus on the 12th of June. The first few days were spent interacting with seniors and fellow classmates, everyone eagerly awaiting their first day in the class. And who would have imagined that we would be in for a pleasant surprise! Dr. Mandi stepped into the class for the Communications lecture. It was our first chance to experience Dr. Prasad's unique way of teaching. 

                    The day started with Dr. Prasad probing everyone with the cost of their MBA. After including all the factors- tuition, living expenses, leaving a job in hand, etc.- our per day cost (PDC) came out to be a whopping Rs. 2500. So ensued our discussion on how we could manage to fund our MBA so as not to be called a "beggar". This gave rise to a slogan by Dr. Prasad- "Apni roti khud kamaenge"(We would earn our own bread and butter). We even took an oath in the class! Dr. Prasad introduced us to the concept of entrepreneurship at NITIE. He proposed the idea of "Socho-Becho, Becho-Seekho, Seekho-Socho", stimulating our eager minds to think more on what could be done. What ensued was one of the best discussions I have had, with everybody pitching in giving a plethora of opinions.

                    The second class started in the same surprisingly pleasant manner as the first. We started with a Pink Floyd song- "Another brick in the wall". With everyone humming the song, the tone for the rest of the class was set. Dr. Prasad urged us to stand out in a crowd, avoid being just another brick in the wall. Ankit Gehlot was asked to recite a poem as poetry was what he blogged on and I must say the lines carried a more profound meaning to them than what it seemed from the outside.

                    So this was my first day@NITIE with Dr. Mandi and I am sure everyone of us loved interacting with each other as much as I have. I just wonder if the first day was so eventful, how would the next 2 years be! 

                    Looking forward to the next class! Till then, happy learning and happy blogging.


  1. best of luck for ur future endeavor buddy

  2. meri roti.. khud kamaugaaaaa.. How this slogan?

    I liked your words.. Apna and Khud... in the slogan..

    If we can hindianize Pink Floyd and play...!
